Tuesday, March 8, 2016

What is Private Carrier?

Private Carrier:

A Private carrier is one who is an occasional carrier of goods for money. A private carrier is not bound to carry the goods of anybody. He or she might reject or accept the proposal or contract. 

An example can be discussed i.e. Mr. A has a private car which is uses to roam around, and hang out with friends, but sometimes he carries goods or people to earn some extra cash based on necessity. 

Thus, he is called to be a private carrier as because this is not his regular business.

Physiognomies of private carrier:

ü  A private carrier is an occasional carrier,
ü  A private carrier doesn’t carry regularly,
ü  A private carrier is free to accept or reject any goods of carriage,
ü  A private carrier is liable as a bailee under the Indian contract act of 1872,

ü   Example: A private taxi.

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